Follow these steps to register a player who has never played at GHLL...
Step 1: Click the REGISTER button at the top of the page

Step 2: Create your account by providing the information, click the "Create Account!" button.

Step 3: Provide your information as the adult account holder (parent / guardian)

Step 4: Provide the player information (also called the participant). Then click "Continue".
Important! Make sure the player's date of birth is correct, as it will determine which divisions they are eligible for.

Step 5 (Optional): If you need to register more than one player, click the "Add Another Participant" button.

Step 6: Here are your division options. Click the "+Register" button for the division you want, and then click "Continue".
If you're not sure which division to pick, please contact us via email or Facebook.
If you think the options are incorrect, or there are no options available, check the date of birth listed for your player, it may be incorrect.

Step 7: For the division selected, you will be asked to enter in a little more info for the player. Then click "Continue".
Please be sure to fill in all info as accurately as possible, and don't forget to agree to the waivers at the bottom.

Step 8 (Optional): Here you can select which roles you'd like to volunteer for. Click "Sign Up", then "Continue".
Or you can check the "I do not wish to volunteer", but we'd really, really appreciate the help! :-)

Step 9 (Optional): If you selected a volunteer role, fill in the additional info. Then click "Continue".

Step 10: Now you're ready to checkout! Click the "Continue" button.

If you'd like to pay the full amount online with a credit card, continue to Step 11.
If any of the following statements are true, then skip to Step 12.
- You'd like to pay with a check or with cash
- You'd like to make payment arrangements
- You believe a discount should be applied
Step 11: Fill in your credit card information and click "Continue". Skip to Step 11.

Step 12: Select "Check" from the payment method dropdown and click "Continue".
If you select this option, your account is still pending, and you will still need to make payment. Come see us at an in-person registration event to do this.

Step 13: When you're done, you should receive an email detailing your registration.
The email will be from "Greater Holiday Little League".
The subject will be "Greater Holiday Little League Order Confirmation & Receipt".
If you do not receive this email, your registration likely isn't complete and you should come see us for help.